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Celebrating, invigorating,

and expanding sacred choral music

The National Lutheran Choir, now in its 39th season, engages listeners of all faiths and traditions by singing the spirit of music familiar and new. The Choir’s artistry is rooted in its mission to celebrate, invigorate, and expand sacred choral music, bringing inspiration and meaning to all people. A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the Choir is rostered for excellence and community, sustained through individual donations. 

Under the direction of nationally-recognized conductor, composer, and vocalist Dr. Jennaya Robison, the 65+ member Choir gives voice to the full breadth of sacred music of our time and the past, grounding itself in the Lutheran choral tradition. Making our home in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, the National Lutheran Choir etches its place in the world of sacred choral music through concertizing, touring, and broadcasting art globally.


Our music, at your fingertips. Watch clips from recent performances and listen to audio on YouTube. 
