Singer Chair Sponsorship Campaign


What is a Chair Sponsorship?

When a singer joins the National Lutheran Choir, it is based on musical ability alone. Our singers do not pay to take part in the extensive concertizing, touring and recording work of the NLC. As much as possible, we treat our singers as the professionally skilled artists they are. That’s where your support comes in!

A chair sponsorship is an annual gift of $5,000 that underwrites the participation of one singer for one year in the National Lutheran Choir. Underwriting pays for a singer’s sheet music, robe, transportation, lodging and meals on tour, as well as a number of other expenses that allow the NLC to deliver the very high quality musical product you’ve come to expect.

Here is additional information about a Chair sponsorship:

  • Forming a giving circle to fund the $5,000 annual price tag with friends from your church, college, or other organization is encouraged.

  • Donors can name their Chair in honor or in memory of someone special.

  • The title of a chair appears in each concert program under the name of the sponsored singer.

  • Individual contributors to a chair are acknowledged annually in the Christmas Festival program.

  • Chairs are annually renewable; can be permanently endowed

  • Gifts or pledge should be made by October 15. Payments on pledge can be made through June 30.

For further information, call or email Tina Meckel at or (612) 722-2301, ext. 105.